Guidelines - Quicktate
Unknown words or names -Please type the stars **** only if you are unable to understand the word or group of words. If you are able to make out the word, but are just unsure of the spelling, please look it up online, and as a last resort, type it phonetically and indicate that by showing (phonetic) after the word.
Customer Instructions- Format as directed by customer
Spelling out words - When customer spells out words, it's generally to assist you; do not type the individual letters
Spelling - Proper spelling is essential
Punctuation - Proper use of periods, commas, etc. is essential
Upper Case and Lower Case - Proper use of UPPER case letters is essential
Multiple Speakers - If you don't know the names of the speakers, okay to enter "Next Speaker".
Idle Count-down Timer: If you stop typing for 90 seconds, the file will automatically disappear from your screen and be assigned to another typist and they will get credit for the entire assignment. Please make sure that you only accept files you have time to finish. You can determine at the onset if a file is long or short based on the speed of the voice bar. If you don't have time for a particular file, click "skip".
Word Limits: Many files tell you the maximum number of words to type. Never exceed the number of words shown. You will not be paid for anything beyond the limit, and customer will not receive anything you type beyond the limit.
If the Quicktate typist screen (for a particular file) says to type NO MORE THAN 100 words and I accidentally type more than 100 words, does that mean we don't get paid for the whole job, or that we don't get paid for any words we type over the limit?
Answer: You will not be paid for the words you typed over the word limit. For example, if the word limit states do not type more than 20 words and you type 22 you will only be paid for 20 words. You must stop as instructed, even if it is in the middle of a sentence. The customer won’t receive anything beyond the limit anyway.
Skip Button: If you type a file and then accidentally click the "Skip" button, the file is re-assigned to another typist and you will not be paid for the file.
How to type a list:
Do NOT number (1, 2, 3 etc.) the items on the list (unless customer asked you to).
Must be single-spaced.
Do not put stars or any other character (example "-") in front of the items on the list.
First word should be uppercase.
So a list of names should be formatted like this:
If you are not sure what's being said, try to spell it phonetically. In other words, if you cannot spell a word correctly, spell it like it sounds.
If you are unsure of a particular word, or street name, it's okay to take a few seconds and Google it... But don't let your clock time out.
If you absolutely positively have no clue what was said, then it is okay to type ****.
If the caller spells a word for you, NEVER NEVER NEVER type that word with hyphens or spaces.
Example of CORRECT format:
Example of WRONG format: b-o-b-j-o-n-e-s
Proper spelling and punctuation are critical. Avoid run-on sentences. Some Taters have been (improperly) typing entire voice mail messages as a single sentence!
If you see that there is an audio file, but cannot hear it, click SKIP so someone else can type it.
Click SUBMIT only when the file is finished and/or you are sure there is no audio.
Following instructions is extremely important.
NEVER share the content of a dictation (message) with your spouse or other family member.
If you breach confidentiality
- You will no longer be offered assignments.
- You can be charged and Prosecuted
- You will not be paid for your work
- Your reputation can be jeopardized.
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