What Every iDictate Typist Must Know
The Quiz for iDictate is located in your typist portal. To select the iDictate testing, select the iDictate Eligible option. Please study this material carefully. This is a summary of the instructions we have received from our customers.
You are required to get all of the answers correct in order to proceed with the iDictate approval process. The reason for this requirement is that it is too time-consuming for iDictate to "baby-sit" its contractors to make sure all directions are followed. Depending on a number of factors, our automated testing system may allow you to retake the Quiz if you didn't get all the answers correct the first time, but from a preparedness standpoint, you should ensure you do get all the answers correct the first time.
After you pass the quizzes and typing tests and finish the screening process, we will be able to offer you files to type.
1. Log in to the typist portal and click the check mark next to I am available to type an iDictate file. The proofer on duty will contact you on Chat. When you accept a file to type, be sure to type it promptly. Do not accept a file and then type it “later”. If you’re unsure about timing, expectations, and deadlines, please communicate with a Proofer. In some cases we can accommodate your schedule, and in other cases we’ll have to reassign the file.
2. iDictate files are to be completed using Microsoft Word. The template which you will download from the portal will likely be .docx. Save the files in the format provided. DO NOT use Open Office or Works or Google Docs or Apple Pages.
3. Type the document the best you can. Use Times New Roman size 14 font unless the instructions say otherwise.
4. Be sure to set your margins to 1 inch on all sides.
5. Please type the stars **** only if you are unable to understand a word. If you are unable to make out a group of words, write [inaudible]. If you are able to make out the word, but are just unsure of the spelling, please look it up online, and as a last resort, type it phonetically and indicate that by showing (phonetic) after the word. Don’t make up words.
6. Make sure your document is properly/ professionally formatted.
7. Type "Transcribed by http://idictate.com" in font 8 at the bottom of the last page of every job (transcript). Please do not do this as a footer; it is to be typed on the past page of the transcript. (Unless the client requests that it not be added) (This does NOT need to be on every page).
8. When you download the template for your transcript, the file will be automatically named to be the same as the voice file, except that it will end in .docx instead of .mp3. For example, if the audio file is named "RE7178161823-20070521-1906554-LEG-DEM-0461.mp3", your transcript will be named "RE7178161823-20070521-1906554-LEG-DEM-0461.docx". This same scenario applies whether your'e typing a Word file, Excel file, Word Perfect or whatever.
9. Proofread your work and make sure it's perfect. Always re-listen to audios after completing documents to ensure you have captured the correct wording, and capture words that you may have missed the first time.
10. You should assume that your finished file will be delivered to the client "as-is". Do not rely on anyone to fix your mistakes.
11. If you were assigned multiple files, submit each one as soon as you have finished typing and proofing it.
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13. We may return your file to you with comments and a request for corrections. (Please make sure the corrections are done in a timely manner, especially if the file is a Rush or Super-Rush).
14. If your are offered multiple files to type, "Super Rush" jobs get the highest priority over everything else. Then comes “Rush”. Our clients expect Super Rush jobs finished very quickly, sometimes within an hour from the time iDictate actually received the file from client. Our goal for Rush jobs is 2+ hours from the time submitted by client, depending on the size of the file.
15. The date and time on the file pertains to the date and time it was submitted by our client, not necessarily when the job was put into your folder.
16. All depositions are always to be sent for proofing. Never upload a deposition to the client even if you are eventually approved to upload completed files to the client.
17. If a Proofer shows you errors and corrections in your file and your response is not courteous, iDictate will probably not offer you additional files.
18. When typing a deposition, do NOT type "ahhs" and "umms unless that is their only response. But you should type the stutters and false starts.
19. The only time an iDictate file is typed verbatim is when the client asks.
20. Your computer is a "laptop" or a "desktop". Our computer (where client files are stored) is called a "server". You should delete files from your computer within one week after completion.
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22. The primary method of staying in touch with iDictate while transcribing is through Chat.
23. Typing everything you hear including the ahs and ums is considered verbatim.
24. Please make sure to change view to 100% before submitting your file.
25. It is extremely important to read and understand all the instructions.
26. Never share the content of a dictation with your friend, spouse or other family member.
27. The following could occur if you breach the confidentiality of anything you hear or type:
- You will not be offered any further typing assignments
- You may be charged and prosecuted in court
- You will not be paid for your work
- Your reputation could be tarnished
28. Proper Spelling, Proper Punctuation, Following Directions, Confidentiality and Accuracy are critical requirements.
29. Your username and password should not be shared with anyone.
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31. The best place to get updates about iDictate is from our Help Desk
32. If mistakes are found in your file, you will need to promptly fix the file.
33. If you are offered a file, and you accept it, you should respect client's need to finish the file promptly, coordinate with iDictate so you and iDictate both have an understanding as to the approximate time the file will be completed, and recognize that Super Rush files have the highest priority and look up words in a dictionary if necessary.
34. If your typing test score is high enough, you will be given the opportunity to take the iDictate Quiz.
35. The procedure after you are finished typing a file is:
- Review the file to make sure it accurately reflects what the client dictated
- Proof-read the file and fix your mistakes
- Mark the file for proofing (unless you have been approved to upload files directly to the customer)
36. When you log in to type a file, you should:
- Download the audio file to your desktop (or laptop) so you can play it
- Type Super Rush files first
37. Unless instructed otherwise by iDictate or the client, "Transcribed by http://idictate.com" in font 8 should be typed at the bottom of the last page of every transcript
38. The reason for these endless tests and quizzes is:
- to ensure you know what to do once you are offered a file to type
- because it is too time-consuming for iDictate to have to repeat instructions over and over
- to be sure that you read and understand the procedures
39. If you do not follow these procedures, iDictate will not offer you additional assignments.
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